AI to predict the impact of Ad Creative

Pre-flight predictions of Click-Through Rate, Engagement Rate, View-Through Rate, Brand Lift, and Conversion Rate. In seconds, and with the highest accuracy in the market.

Optimize ad creative
before spending on media

Creative AI to make every impression count

Up to 123% higher ROAS
Highest accuracy
80% more affordable

One platform to optimize all your assets

The Process

Test every ad in seconds from first designs to the final version

Our AI-based co-pilot guides you through every creative decision, from conceptualizing the first ideas to assembling the final ad. Get data-driven feedback for each decision made along the way.
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The Process

Understand why each creative works and how to improve it

Our AI detects thousands of elements within each ad that elude the human eye. It considers context and identifies impactful drivers within both your previous assets and those of your competitors.
Gain insights at the start of your campaign and get recommendations for every asset you test.
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The Process

Improve your creative’s effectiveness

Drive recall, clicks, and conversions. Optimize your assets on different platforms, such as Meta, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, and non-digital publication channels like out-of-home.
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The Process

Have the best AI optimize your creative

High accuracy models for top and bottom of the funnel metrics

Highest accuracy in the industry and academia

accuracy when predicting saliency
mean absolute error when predicting ad recall
times our AI chooses the highest performing asset among alternatives
times our AI chooses the highest performing asset among alternatives
mean absolute error when predicting ad recall
accuracy when predicting attention patterns

Large database of human reactions

+13.1 million
human reactions to ads
+10.7 million
human reactions to ads
Some examples

Case Studies


Helping reduce Cost per Engagement and make creatives faster
-14% Cost per Engagement
+16% Engagement
48 Creatives Generated in 5 minutes
Point of sale
Out of home


Optimizing video ads with a Brand Ambassador
+5.8% Increased Ad Recall
+250% Increased logo saliency
+300% Higher attention to the new product line